smart vehicle safety system using arduino

Smart Vehicle Safety System Using Arduino

In Today’s vehicle accidents is increased day by day and provides good security and safety while travelling is become it’s important that provides more and more safety and security features in vehicles as per increasing demands of peoples.
So here we introduce Smart vehicle safety system which included features of monitoring level of gas, fire, and alcohol inside the vehicle and provide alert information in form of alarm With voice feedback and massage display on LCD,during the critical situation like if any accident happened with car and also send the message to the authorized person through the GSM with Car Location .

Block diagram:-

In this system to detect the accident, shock sensor is used so when accident happens, this sensor will be active. And the information sends to ATMEGA328 microcontroller and massage will be displaying on LCD also active the buzzer. At the same time, GPS and GSM modem will also active which are interfaced to the ATMEGA328 microcontroller. And through GSM modem the massage will send to the contacts which are stored in the database in the longitude and latitude format of location which will have obtained through GPS.
In other cases like if gas leakage will detected by gas sensor or fire will detected by fire sensor and alcohol is detected by alcohol sensor and display on LCD then massage will send to the contact which is predefine in Code same as per above situation.
If system gets active then user has to deactivate system for next safety reason
If any cases accident was minor and person doesn’t want to send a massage then this facility provided by just press the button available in the system.

Hardware specification:-
·                ATMEGA 328 microcontroller
·                Shock sensor
·                Alcohol sensor
·                Fire sensor
·                Gas sensor
·                Voice module
·                GPS modem
·                GSM model
·                Buzzer
·                LCD
·                Power supply

Software specification:-
·        Arduino IDE
·        Proteus PCB Design

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