r305 optical fingerprint scanner sensor module working

R305 optical fingerprint scanner sensor module working

The advent of fast growing technologies makes users to have high security systems with electronic identification options. These identification technologies include ATM and other intelligent cards, user IDs and password based systems, and so on. But, unfortunately these are unsecured due to hacker attacks, thefts, and forgotten passwords. In spite of all these shortcomings and malfunctions these systems are still prevailing; however, the bio metric or fingerprint authentication based identification is the most efficient and reliable solution for stringent security.
This type of identification technology is more reliable, secure and efficient
Introduction to Fingerprint Authentication
and uses human physiological processes and behaviors to identifying users’ ID. This biometric-security system is human-oriented system and is more accurate than the traditional password-based systems. This authentication is used in many of the online transactions, confidential financial dealings, industries, offices, institutes, colleges and security access control systems.
A wide variety of finger print devices are available in the market today that varies in cost and method of matching fingers mostly involving one or whole five fingers of the hand. There are various approaches for matching the fingers like matching finger print minutiae, straight pattern matching, moirĂ© fringe and ultrasonic patterns.
Fingerprint Devices
Fingerprints form a unique identification pattern for humans, which consist of a pattern of ridges on fingers that helps to grip things by hand. Fingerprint scanner is the heart of this automated authentication system which is responsible for the acquisition of images based on the patterns of ridges and valleys of human fingers, and then matching them with the pre-stored patterns. It consists of sensors that are optical, ultrasonic, thermal, capacitive, etc.,but mostly optical and capacitance scanning methods are used.
These sensors generate top quality images of finger ridges and valleys by overriding inconsistent and irregular designs of the scanned image. These scanners consist of Analog to digital converters which process the analog electric signals to produce digital representation of the image. When we press the finger on a fingerprint scanner, it collects the signals, processes the image and extracts minutiae information of the finger. Subsequently a processing unit or host acquires this ID information and store it in a fingerprint database.
During login, the storage unit compares the pre-stored data and displays appropriate information. For image processing, the digital signal processor or PC is very expensive, but FPGA based hardware is advantageous due to its processing speed, low cost, flexibility and portability. This type of authentication uses special algorithms to compare such fingerprint IDs for effective retrieval of information. For minimizing the power consumption, these systems often get into sleep mode and become active only during fingerprints recognizing mode.
  • Integrated image collecting and algorithm chip together, ALL-in-One
  • Fingerprint reader can conduct secondary development, can be embedded into a variety of end products
  • Low power consumption, low cost, small size, excellent performance
  • Professional optical technology, precise module manufacturing techniques
  • Good image processing capabilities, can successfully capture image up to resolution 500 dpi
  • Fingerprint sensor type: Optical
  • Sensor Life: 100 million times
  • Static indicators: 15KVBacklight: bright green
  • Interface: USB1.1/UART(TTL logical level)
  • RS232 communication baud rate: 4800BPS~115200BPS changeable
  • Dimension: 55*32*21.5mm
  • Image Capture Surface 15—18(mm)
  • Verification Speed: 0.3 sec
  • Scanning Speed: 0.5 sec
  • Character file size: 256 bytes
  • Template size: 512 bytes
  • Storage capacity: 250
  • Security level: 5 (1,2,3,4,5(highest))
  • False Acceptance Rate (FAR) :0.0001%
  • False Rejection Rate (FRR): 0.1%
  • Resolution 500 DPI
  • Voltage :3.6-6.0 VDC
  • Working current: Typical 90 mA, Peak 150mA

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