Fingerprint based smart bank locker system Project

Fingerprint based smart bank locker system Project

RTC Module is use to update real time on which time period bank will be remain open or closed based on that it set to bank locker excess time to which user can access the bank locker on that particular time period so that if someone try to access the locker after the set time period then its don’t allow to user to open the locker and also there is time limit to kept locker open if user keep locker open  above set time then it also give the warning its also help if user forget to closed locker.
Fingerprint module is use to identification of user who has owner of that locker so unauthorized user or person cant access someone else account.

All update data will be show on LCD Display.

Block Diagram:
Fingerprint based smart bank locker system Project Block diagram

Fingerprint based smart bank locker system Project Circuit Diagram
Fingerprint based smart bank locker system Project PCB view

Fingerprint based smart bank locker system Project

Fingerprint based smart bank locker system Project PCB Layout

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