Density based traffic signal Light System with Bluetooth override

Density based traffic signal Light System with Bluetooth Override

Traffic congestion is a severe problem in many major cities across the world and it has become nightmare for the commuters in these cities. Conventional traffic light system is based on fixed time concept allotted to each side of the junction which cannot be varied as per varying traffic density Junction timings allotted are fixed. Sometimes there is any emergency situation happened like ambulance or police car then that time there is need to go this vehicle at the time.
So, in order to rectify this problem, we will go for Android based traffic signal Light System with Bluetooth override.Android based traffic signal Light System if there is any emergency then traffic police can override normal traffic signal to current condition and keep other lane as Red Signal by using just normal android application.

Block diagram:-

density based traffic signal Light System with Bluetooth override Block diagram

In this system we control the traffic signal using android application via Bluetooth module which is interfacing to the microcontroller. A person who has authority can connect the android mobile which has already installed BLUE CONTROL application in it with the Bluetooth HC-05 and then can control the signals by giving instruction to the microcontroller.
if  the ambulance or emergency vehicle come from right way then simply press the right button on application then all the signals are turn to red without accepting right sight signal which is goes on  green after solve the problem you simply press center button on application then the system will disconnect with it and works normally. Same as per that another signal works using android application and only authorized person can control the traffic system using android application.
density based traffic signal Light System with Bluetooth override Circuit Diagram

density based traffic signal Light System with Bluetooth override

density based traffic signal Light System with Bluetooth override

density based traffic signal Light System with Bluetooth override

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  1. Will you please send this project pcb layout to me please.i have to submit my project on 4th December
