Solar Panel With Sun Position Tracking

Solar Panel With Sun Position Tracking

Non-renewable sources of energy like coal, oil, natural gas are decreasing day by day  but cannot be restore ,Henceforth the only way is to use renewable sources of energy, which can be replenished and replaced like solar energy. Now a days Solar panel are rising in popularity, which absorbs the energy from the Sun, converts it into electrical energy and stores the energy in a battery. But drawback of the existing system is the Stationary mounts, which hold panels in a fixed position, can have their productivity compromised when the sun passes to a less-than-optimal angle. 
To use the solar energy in most effective way here we are introducing sun tracker solar panel system automatically move to “track” the progress of the sun across the sky, and  solar panel should continuously rotate in the direction of Sun thereby maximizing output.

Block diagram:

Block Diagram Solar Panel With Sun Position Tracking

In this project we use light dependent resistors (LDR) which is also known as photo resistor is the light sensitive device. Its resistance decrease when the light falls on it and that’s why it is frequently used in Dark or Light Detector Circuit.
Two light dependent resistors (LDR) are arranged on the edges of the solar panel. Light dependent resistors produce low resistance when light falls on them. The servo motor connected to the panel rotates the panel in the direction of Sun. Panel is arranged in such a way that light on two LDRs is compared and panel is rotated towards LDR which have high intensity i.e. low resistance compared to other. Servo motor rotates the panel at certain angle.
When the intensity of the light falling on right LDR is more, panel slowly moves towards right and if intensity on the left LDR is more, panel slowly moves towards left hat way it will keep following the light. In the noon time, Sun is ahead and intensity of light on both the panels is same. In such cases, panel is constant and there is no rotation
Hardware requirements:
·       Servo Motor (sg90)
·       Solar panel
·       8051 microcontroller
·       LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
·       LCD
·       Regulator

Software requirements:
    ·       MC Programming Language: Embedded C
     ·       Keil version IDE
     ·       Proteus For Circuit &PCB Design

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