Showing posts with label Light Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light Control. Show all posts

Automatic Light Intensity Control Of Street Lights Project

Automatic Light Intensity Control Of Street Lights Project

Street lighting is very important for security in all residential complexes. Parking lots and pathways, we need to save energy because most of the energy sources we depend on like Most urban and semi-urban cities and towns are still using a combination of fluorescent, CFL, high pressure sodium lamps or metal halide bulbs, can’t be replaced as we are using them they get reduce day by day.
In the current system the street lights will be switched on in the before the sun sets and they are switched off in the morning even if there is sufficient light on the roads. This includes lots of electrical power wastage
Soto resolve this problem we are introducing automatic light intensity controller of street lights where the intensity of the street lights is automatically controlled based on the sunlight conditions Therefore, the street light intensity increases during the evening time and gradually reduces in late nights and continues again in the morning. In additional power saving feature, we have used here LEDs for street lights instead of HID (High Intensity Lamps) lamps.

Block Diagram of Automatic Light Intensity Control Of Street Lights Project

the system basically consists of a bank of LED lights lifetime of the lights used in this system is more and also consumes less power as compared to the HID lamps.,8051 Micro controller ,Power  supply and Relays.
The micro-controller includes planned instructions which are used for controlling the intensity of lanterns based on Pulse width modulation (PWM) produced indicators. As per the instructions, the light intensity remains high during the evening. When the traffic on the highways tends to decrease gradually during the night time, the street light intensity also decreases gradually till the morning.

Hardware specification:

·       8051Microcontroller
·       LED lights
·       Power supply
·       Connecting Wires
·       Regulator

Software Specifications:
·       MC Programming Language: Embedded C
·       Keil version IDE
·       Proteus For Circuit &PCB Design 

Download Abstract of Automatic Light Intensity Control Of Street Lights Project

Traffic Light Control System Project

Traffic Light Control System Project

Traffic congestion is a severe problem in many major cities across the world and it has become nightmare for the commuters in these cities. One of the oldest ways of handling traffic was having a traffic policeman deployed at each junction and manually controls the inflow of traffic through hand signaling. However this was quite cumbersome and then came the need for a different type of control – using Traffic signals.
So, in order to rectify this problem, we will go for traffic signal lights control system designed where traffic light is control by changing single automatically at specified range of time interval to provide sophisticated control and coordination to confirm that traffic moves as smoothly and safely as possible.

Block diagram:

Block Diagram Traffic Light Control System Project

Here we implemented Traffic light control system using 8051 microcontroller and  three LED’s to perform the traffic lights operations and get automatically switched on and off by making the corresponding port pins of the microcontroller high.
The LED’s was connected in a common anode mode so that the Microcontroller was used as a sink here.
The Red colour was made to flash for 10 secondsand the other lights remains OFF, and after sometime, the changeover traffic light control from red to yellow takes place by making the succeeding change for glowing of green LEDfor five seconds each. This process continues as a cycle.

Hardware Requirement:-
·      AT89S51 Microcontroller
·      LEDs
·      Voltage Regulator
·      Crystal
·      Transistor
·      Power Supply

Software Requirements:-
·       MC Programming Language: Embedded C
·       Keil version IDE
·       Proteus For Circuit &PCB Design 

Block Diagram Traffic Light Control System Project