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Showing posts with label PC. Show all posts

Displaying Moving Message On Notice Board Using PC

Displaying Moving Message On Notice Board Using PC

We know that notice boards is primary thing to provide timely information in public places like railway stations, bus stations and airports Hotels, Malls, college, offices There are various ways available to display the message but In many developing places where is still lack of internet access, Television broadcasting access, we need to use a manual notice board and a separate person is required to take care of this notices display as notices need to be change on day to day basis.
So to solve this problem here we are introducing Display moving message on notice board using pc .in this system pc is used to control the txt which is  to be displayed on the notice board.

Block diagram:
Block Diagram of Displaying Moving Message On Notice Board Using PC

In this project 8051 microcontroller is used for controlling the whole process, and LCD to display the message. This system has two parts transmitter and receiver, in transmitter part there is a PC with graphical user interface that allow user to enter the message On the receiver part once the message received by the receiver is taken to microcontroller which stores it, validates it and then displays it on the moving Dot matrix LED display module.
The validation depends upon the stored letters on the microcontroller in EEPROM which are compared with the incoming letters. This system contains only the English capital characters (AZ) and numbers (0-9) .The numbers and characters are stored in EEPROM can be edited only by the program

Hardware Requirements:
·        8051 Microcontroller (AT89S51)
  • DC Motor
  • Regulator
  • LCD (16×2)
  • PC or laptop
Software Requirements:
·       MC Programming Language: Embedded C
·       Keil version IDE
·       Proteus For Circuit &PCB Design

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