RFID Based Toll Plaza Collection System

 RFID Based Toll Plaza Collection System

A present world stream of traffic is increased so there is huge rush on highways in order to pay toll tax which will causes the toll get on highway become more congested so due to this we will faced lots of problem like traffic jam and waste of time.
So reduces this traffic related problems here we introduced the RFID based toll plaza system which is mainly based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.
This system automatically identifies an approaching vehicles and record vehicles number and time. Allows the authorizes vehicle drivers to pass the toll tax booths without stopping at the toll booths. The toll amount is deducted from the RFID card. This RFID card is rechargeable and account is stored on the records.

Block Diagram :-

The system starts from the RFID card is a microchip combined with an antenna which is detected by the EM-18 RFID reader & sends the data i.e. type & no. of vehicle stored in 12 digit code form in the card to the AT89S51 micro controller to match with data base provided at toll centres.
The AT89S51 micro controller then compares the signal with the stored value of respective toll & displays on LCD. So the consumer has to just swap his RFID card so desired amount will be deducted from his account and then micro controller sends the signal to the dc motor which is used as get barrier which will open and close accordingly to car.
if the RFID card is invalid then the card will not have accepted by toll booth and also if the RFID card having insufficient balance then this signal sends to the micro controller and output will display on LCD and get will not open until you recharge your card so there is options available on LCD to recharge our card. once card is recharged then get will open allow to pass the car.

Hardware specification:-
  • RFID Tag
  • EM- 18 RFID Reader
  • LCD
  • AT89S51 Micro controller
  • Motor Driver
  •  Power supply
  • DC Motors 
Software Specification :-
  • MC programming language : embedded C
  • keil studio micro version 5

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