Showing posts with label System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label System. Show all posts

Density Based Traffic Controller System

Density Based Traffic Controller System

Traffic congestion is a severe problem in many major cities across the world and it has become nightmare for the commuters in these cities. Conventional traffic light system is based on fixed time concept allotted to each side of the junction which cannot be varied as per varying traffic density Junction timings allotted are fixed. Due to the heavy traffic in the road many people’s are suffering and also because of large time delays between traffic lights.
So, in order to rectify this problem, we will go for density based traffic lights system designed to develop a density based dynamic traffic signal system where the signal timing changes automatically on sensing the traffic density at the junction.
Block diagram:-

Block Diagram Density Based Traffic Controller System
In this system, we will use IR sensors to measure the traffic density which are interfaced to the microcontroller. We have to arrange the IR transmitter and IR receiver for each road in particular manner; these sensors sense that the traffic density on that particular road is high or low, and sends the signal to the microcontroller then according to the traffic density microcontroller will controls the traffic signal system.
If the traffic density is high or low on one way then the system will analyses the traffic and according to that it will increased or decreased the time of signal lights. Which will help to reduce the traffic jam problems?
Hardware Requirement:-
·      AT89S51 Microcontroller
·      LED
·      Voltage Regulator
·      IR sensors
·      Crystal
·      Preset
·      Transistor
·      Supply

Software Requirements:-
·      MC Programming Language: Embedded C
·       Keil version IDE
·       Proteus For Circuit &PCB Design

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Vehicle with Advanced Safety And Security System 8051 Based

  Vehicle with Advanced Safety And Security System 8051 Based Projects

  • Abstract of Vehicle with Advanced Safety And Security System
In Today’s vehicle accidents is increased day by day and provides good security and safety while travelling is become it’s important that provides more and more safety and security features in vehicles as per increasing demands of peoples.
So here we introduce vehicle with advance safety system which included features of monitoring level of gas, fire, and alcohol inside the vehicle and provide alert information in form of alarm and massage display on LCD,during the critical situation like if any accident happened with car and also send the message to the authorized person through the GSM.

  • Block diagram 
BlockDiagram Vehicle with Advanced Safety And Security System 8051 Based
In this system to detect the accident, shock sensor is used so when accident happens, this sensor will be active. And the information sends to AT89S51 microcontroller and massage will be displaying on LCD also active the buzzer. At the same time, GPS and GSM modem will also active which are interfaced to the AT89S51 microcontroller. And through GSM modem the massage will send to the contacts which are stored in the database in the longitude and latitude format of location which will have obtained through GPS.
In other cases like if gas leakage will detected by gas sensor or fire will detected by fire sensor and alcohol is detected by alcohol sensor and display on LCD then massage will send to the contact which is predefine in database same as per above situation.
If system gets active then user has to deactivate system for next safety reason
If any cases accident was minor and person doesn’t want to send a massage then this facility provided by just press the button available in the system.
  • Hardware specification:-
    ·       AT89S51 microcontroller
    ·       Shock sensor
    ·       Alcohol sensor
    ·       Fire sensor
    ·       Switch
    ·       Gas sensor
    ·       GPS modem
    ·       GSM modem
    ·       Buzzer
    ·       LCD
    ·       Power supply

    Software specification:-
    ·       MC programming language:- Embedded c
    ·       Keil studio version
    ·       Proteus For PCB & Circuit Design

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GPS tracker and alcohol detector with engine locking system using GSM

Alcohol Sense Engine Locking System With Sms Control

In This Alcohol Sense Engine Locking System Projects Its Sense the Alcohol Contain In Car And Notify the Use with Warning And Also Send the Sms to the User Predefine Mobile No With Car Location  and Lock the engine To Avoid Accident And Monitor Continuously Alcohol Sensor  In Car If There Is Any Emergency or Some other People Wont To Drive Or He was Not Drunk Then I can Request To System Means He have to take Permission To Drive the Car And Person Who Got The SMS He will Enter Valid Password To Allow To By Pass System Then System Get Override And Allow User To Drive The Can In Drunk Mode .
When System Halt That Time All Engine Process get Stop  In Our System We Use Relay To Stop the Supply To Motor as Demo

Block Diagram:- 

Hardware Required:-
·         Microcontroller
·         Alcohol Sensor
·         LCD Display
·         GSM Module
·         GPS Module
·         Power Supply
·         Relay
·         Motor

Software Required:-
·         Embedded C Programming language

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Smart Vehicle security & Safety System

Smart Vehicle security & Safety System

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Fingerprint Based Bank Locker System

Fingerprint Based Bank Locker System

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RFID Based Mobile Charging System Projects

RFID Based Mobile Charging System

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Car Parking Project Based On RFID System Projects

RFID Based Car Parking System

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RFID Based Voting Machine System

RFID Based Voting Machine System

Voting is most pivotal process of democratic society through which people determine its government so we need to provide more security and accuracy during this process to avoid many social and political issues like user using fake id  card for voting and using their id such many times to give vote or user is  unauthorised.
To avoid such problem and giving a transparency in this system, Here we introduce RFID based voting machine system in this the person who has authority for voting only can allow to give vote and any unauthorised person does not allow to give vote by RFID. we can get vote status who give the vote if that person try again to give vote then he can detected by RF reader and inform the officer with help of warning sound.

Block Diagram :-

In the RFID based voting machine system, every user who has authority to give the vote have one RFID card which included one microchip in it and user can simply swipe a RFID card on EM-18 RF reader which is interfacing with AT89S51 micro controller and the LCD, check that the RFID card id is match with id which is predefined in AT89S51 micro controller memory and result is display on LCD. If the user is unauthorised  or user will try to give vote again then micro controller will not allow that to give vote and display the error massage on LCD and then buzzer will activated to give the warning sound. And at the end of voting we can get result at very fast just pressing switch on the system.

Hardware Specification:-
  • RFID Tag
  • AT89S51 Micro controller 
  • EM- 18 RFID Reader
  • LCD
  • Buzzer
  • Power Supply 
Software Specification :-
  • MC programming language : embedded C
  • keil studio micro version  5

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RFID Based Toll Plaza Collection System

 RFID Based Toll Plaza Collection System

A present world stream of traffic is increased so there is huge rush on highways in order to pay toll tax which will causes the toll get on highway become more congested so due to this we will faced lots of problem like traffic jam and waste of time.
So reduces this traffic related problems here we introduced the RFID based toll plaza system which is mainly based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.
This system automatically identifies an approaching vehicles and record vehicles number and time. Allows the authorizes vehicle drivers to pass the toll tax booths without stopping at the toll booths. The toll amount is deducted from the RFID card. This RFID card is rechargeable and account is stored on the records.

Block Diagram :-

The system starts from the RFID card is a microchip combined with an antenna which is detected by the EM-18 RFID reader & sends the data i.e. type & no. of vehicle stored in 12 digit code form in the card to the AT89S51 micro controller to match with data base provided at toll centres.
The AT89S51 micro controller then compares the signal with the stored value of respective toll & displays on LCD. So the consumer has to just swap his RFID card so desired amount will be deducted from his account and then micro controller sends the signal to the dc motor which is used as get barrier which will open and close accordingly to car.
if the RFID card is invalid then the card will not have accepted by toll booth and also if the RFID card having insufficient balance then this signal sends to the micro controller and output will display on LCD and get will not open until you recharge your card so there is options available on LCD to recharge our card. once card is recharged then get will open allow to pass the car.

Hardware specification:-
  • RFID Tag
  • EM- 18 RFID Reader
  • LCD
  • AT89S51 Micro controller
  • Motor Driver
  •  Power supply
  • DC Motors 
Software Specification :-
  • MC programming language : embedded C
  • keil studio micro version 5

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RFID Based Attendance System With Sms Notification

RFID Based Student Attendance System With GSM Notification

Attendance needs to be taken at various places including colleges, school for students and in the industries for the login logout time of employees. The mostly attendance system is manual and it is taken on paper, it consumes lot of time and many traditional Attendance system uses attendance register to note down the attendance Also the  administrative person needs to maintain the attendance papers,Problem with existing attendance system is that sometimes wrong attendance can be entered. Also in colleges one student can give proxy attendance of another student. Probability of this is very less but it does happen.

So here we introduce RFID Based Student Attendance this every student have RFID card which will be used to swapping on RFID reader which is placed on entry door or gate of class or company.Attendance will be taken if the encoded tagged ID scanned matches the tagged ID stored in the memory. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed on LCD and this attendance will send through GSM to the authorised contact which is predefined in database.

Block diagram:-

In the system of RFID(radio frequency identification) Based Student Attendance System with GSM notifications ability to uniquely identify and take attendance of the students, in this users having RFID card which is an IC chip that has unique code contained in it and only need to place their RFID tag on the EM-18 RFID reader to take attendance, and RFID redder is interfacing with ARM7 (LPC2148) and then micro controller will check the RFID tag 12 digits number is match with number predefined in micron roller memory and then attendance data will display on computer. Hence, it is a very time efficient system. Attendance will be taken if the RFID card tagged ID is, matches the tagged ID which is predefined in memory. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed on LCD..Then buzzer is turned on. And this attendance will send to the authorised contact which already predefined in database via GSM module

Hardware Specification:-
  • RFID  Tag
  • EM - 18 RFID Reader
  • LCD 
  • GSM
  • Power Supply 
  • Buzzer
Software Specification :-
  • MC programming language : embedded C
  • keil studio micro version 5

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Attendance System Based On RFID System Projects

RFID Based Student Attendance System

Attendance needs to be taken at various places including colleges, school for students and in the industries for the login logout time of employees. The mostly attendance system is manual and it is taken on paper, it consumes lot of time and many traditional Attendance system uses attendance register to note down the attendance Also the  administrative person needs to maintain the attendance papers, Problem with existing attendance system is that sometimes wrong attendance can be entered. Also in colleges one student can give proxy attendance of another student. Probability of this is very less but it does happen.

So here we introduce RFID Based Student Attendance this every student have RFID card which will be used to swapping on RFID reader which is placed on entry door or gate of class or company. Attendance will be taken if the encoded tagged ID scanned matches the tagged ID stored in the memory. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed on LCD .

Block diagram:-

In the system of RFID(radio frequency identification) Based Student Attendance System ability to uniquely identify and take attendance of the students, in this users having RFID card which is an IC chip that has unique hexadecimal or electronic product code (EPC) contained in it and only need to place their RFID tag on the EM-18 RFID reader to take attendance, and RFID redder is interfacing with AT89S51 and then microcontroller will check the RFID tag 12 digits number is match with number predefine in micron roller memory and then attendance data will display on computer. Hence, it is a very time efficient system.Attendance will be taken if the RFID card tagged ID is, matches the tagged ID which is predefine in memory. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed on LCD. Then buzzer is turned on to give warning.

 Hardware specification:-
  • EM-18 RFID Reader
  • AT89S51 Micro controller 
  • LCD 
  • Power Supply 
  • Buzzer

Software Specification :-
  • MC programming language: embedded C
  • keil studio micro version IDE

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Security Door Access Control Using RFID System Projects

RFID Based Security Access Control System

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RFID Based Passport Project System

RFID Based Passport Details System

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Security Access Control Using RFID Projects System

Security Access Gate Control Using RFID Project

A present world for the purpose of security there is need to authorised person and to restrict their access to sensitive areas in the organisation. In such a way, suspicious persons can be caught which will surely improve the security level in the organisation. So here we introduced the RFID get control system which is mainly based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.
RFID based gate control system we can control gate if valid car is pass then its open the gate if invalid car is there these is doesn’t allow him to enter in gate and get remain the close so there is no need of person to check each entry.

Block diagram:-

The system starts from the RFID card is a microchip combined with an antenna which is detected by the EM-18 RFID reader & sends the data i.e. type & no. of vehicle stored in 12 digit code form in the card to the AT89S51 micro controller to match with data base provided at get.
The AT89S51 micro controller then compares the signal with the stored value & displays on LCD. So the customer has to just swap his RFID card then micro-controller sends the signal to the dc motor which is used as get barrier which will open and close accordingly to car.
if the RFID card is invalid then the card will not have accepted and output will display on LCD and get will not open.

 Hardware Specification:-
  • RFID Card 
  • EM-18 RFID Reader
  • AT89S51 microcontroller
  • Motor Driver
  • Buzzer 
  • LCD
  • DC Motors
  • Power Supply 

     Software Specification:-
  • MC programming language : embedded C
  • Keil  studio version IDE

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