Showing posts with label GSM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GSM. Show all posts

Industry and Home Safety System with SMS Notification Projects

Industry and Home Safety System with SMS Notification Projects

In today’s world home and industry security is major issue and needs to prevent it’s from the causes due the fire and gas leakage. The gas leakage and fire out breaks both are spread widely and causes greater loss of life as well as property if proper action is not taken on the time.
So here we introduces Industrial and Home Safety with SMS Notification which have the gas sensor and temperature sensor to detect gas leakage or fire accidents and alert the users by sending a SMS with the help of GSM module which is connected preprogrammed microcontroller.

Block diagram:

Block Diagram Industry and Home Safety System with SMS Notification Projects

In this system we use a gas sensor along with a fire sensor interfaced to the 8051microcontroller. When the LPG concentration in the air exceeds the certain level, the Gas sensor detects the leakage or any fire accident occurred, then the fire sensor will send an alert to the microcontroller.
This information is immediately send to the consumer by sending SMS(Short Messaging Service) message to specified mobile phone through GSM module and display the message on the LCD display simultaneously to take the required action.

Hardware Specifications:
  • 8051 Microcontroller
  • Fire Sensor
  • Gas Sensor
  • LCD Display
  • Motor
  • Power supply
  • GSM module

Software Specifications:
     ·       MC Programming Language: Embedded C
     ·       Keil version IDE
     ·       Proteus For Circuit &PCB Design

Download Absract Industry and Home Safety System with SMS Notification Projects

GSM Based Weather Station Reporting System

GSM Based Weather Station Reporting System

Nowadays, electrical accidents to the line man are increasing, while repairing the electrical lines due to miscommunication between the maintenance staff & the electric substation staff. During the electrical fault or short circuit, the power network will suffer from a high stress of fault current in them which may harm the equipment permanently.
To overcome this problem, we introduces password based load control system which is arranged in such a way that maintenance staff or line man has to enter the password to ON/OFF the electrical line. Separate passwords are allocated for every electrical line that access by authorized person only. Now, if there is any mistake in the electrical line then the line man will switch off the power supply to the line by entering password and comfortably repair the electrical line.
Block diagram:
Block Diagram GSM Based Weather Station Reporting System

The main component in the circuit is 8051 microcontroller. A 4×4 matrix keypad is used to enter the password. The password which is entered is compared with the predefined password stored in ROM of microcontroller. If entered password is correct, then the corresponding electrical line is turned ON or OFF and display line or load status on LCD. If the password is wrong, then display “wrong password” on the LCD.
In this project a separate password is provided to each electrical line. Activation and deactivation of the line (circuit breaker) is indicated by the load (Light Bulbs).
Hardware requirements:
·       8051 microcontroller
·       keypad
·       Voltage regulator
·       LCD
·       Power supply
·       Relay driver
·       Relays
·       Lamps

Software requirements:
  •  ·       MC Programming Language: Embedded C
  •  ·       Keil version IDE
  •  ·       Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design

Download Abstract GSM Based Weather Station Reporting System

RFID Based Attendance System With Sms Notification

RFID Based Student Attendance System With GSM Notification

Attendance needs to be taken at various places including colleges, school for students and in the industries for the login logout time of employees. The mostly attendance system is manual and it is taken on paper, it consumes lot of time and many traditional Attendance system uses attendance register to note down the attendance Also the  administrative person needs to maintain the attendance papers,Problem with existing attendance system is that sometimes wrong attendance can be entered. Also in colleges one student can give proxy attendance of another student. Probability of this is very less but it does happen.

So here we introduce RFID Based Student Attendance this every student have RFID card which will be used to swapping on RFID reader which is placed on entry door or gate of class or company.Attendance will be taken if the encoded tagged ID scanned matches the tagged ID stored in the memory. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed on LCD and this attendance will send through GSM to the authorised contact which is predefined in database.

Block diagram:-

In the system of RFID(radio frequency identification) Based Student Attendance System with GSM notifications ability to uniquely identify and take attendance of the students, in this users having RFID card which is an IC chip that has unique code contained in it and only need to place their RFID tag on the EM-18 RFID reader to take attendance, and RFID redder is interfacing with ARM7 (LPC2148) and then micro controller will check the RFID tag 12 digits number is match with number predefined in micron roller memory and then attendance data will display on computer. Hence, it is a very time efficient system. Attendance will be taken if the RFID card tagged ID is, matches the tagged ID which is predefined in memory. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed on LCD..Then buzzer is turned on. And this attendance will send to the authorised contact which already predefined in database via GSM module

Hardware Specification:-
  • RFID  Tag
  • EM - 18 RFID Reader
  • LCD 
  • GSM
  • Power Supply 
  • Buzzer
Software Specification :-
  • MC programming language : embedded C
  • keil studio micro version 5

Click Here To Download Data RFID Based Attendance System With Sms Notification Project

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Smart Blind Walking Stick Projectswith Audio acknowledgement

Smart Safety & Advance Blind Walking Stick

   In Smart Safety & Advance Blind Walking Stick There Is GPS Module Which Use To track The         Person Location.  And There Is RF Module is there to Find Her Stick Where he Kept, There Is          Voice Module Is There Which Use as Feedback System to User. There Is Ultrasonic Sensor is Use       to Detect Any Object In Between the path is there is obstacle in path then in Give feedback to user     in voice and Vibration Mode also there is Water Detector and day and night sensor is there to know     the user and gsm Module is there to update location on web or sms form & if there is any                     emergency is there then send location of User To web or to person Test Sms or even he can call the     user in system predefined no communicate fast for and any emergency Condition.

Smart Blind Walking Stick Projects with Audio acknowledgement
Smart Blind Walking Stick Projects with Audio acknowledgement
   Hardware Requirement:-
             ·         Micro controller
             ·         GSM
             ·         GPS
             ·         Voice Module
             ·         Vibration Motor
             ·         Ultrasonic Sensor
             ·         RF Module

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GSM & GPS Based Embedded Electronics Projects

GSM & GPS Based Embedded Electronics Projects

  1. Women Safety With GPS Tracking & Alerts
  2. Smart Blind Stick With GPS Tracking
  3. Drink & Drive Detection With Ignition Lock System
  4. GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring System
  5. Fire & Gas Accident System
  6. Programmable Energy Meter With Bill Estimation
  7. RFID Attendance System With Sms Notification
  8. GPS Vehicle Tacking & Theft Detection system
  9. Home Security Using GSM
  10. Soldier Health & Position Tracking System
  11. GSM Based Door Unlocker System
  12. Smart Vehicle Security & Safety System
  13. GSM based agriculture system
  14. GSM Based Call Control With Voice Feedback Control System
  15. GSM Based Call Control Voting System with Voice Feedback System
  16. GPS Vehicle Tracking & Locker Control With OTP
  17. Home Security System With Voice Call Notification.
  18. GSM Based Car Security System
  19. GSM Based Garbage Monitoring System