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Showing posts with label Load. Show all posts

Programmable Load Shedding Time Management For Utility Department Project

Programmable Load Shedding Time Management For Utility Department Project

Electricity is one of the most important requirement of modern civilization and  the demand of power is increasing continuously, with already installed power generation system, we cannot replace the new generating system every time. Therefore Load Shedding is the most preferred solution to meet this problem. Since Load Shedding is monitored manually by allotment of some in charge person to turn On/Off the switch, so it is not very efficient as well as non-reliable.
To overcome the difficulties of switching the load ON/OFF manually here we are introducing load shedding time management for utility department system. This proposed has an inbuilt real time clock (RTC) to keep tracking the time and thus to switch ON/OFF the load accordingly.

Block diagram:

Block Diagram of Programmable Load Shedding Time Management For Utility Department Project

The 8051 microcontroller programmed in such a way that we can set the actual time and load shedding time. Using the program we can monitor both real time and load shedding time. The RTC shows the real time at every instant and interfaced to a microcontroller of 8051 family once the RTC is programmed, it will work continuously even though the power goes off in between.
While the set time equals to the real time, then microcontroller gives command to the corresponding relay to turn ON the load and then another command to switch OFF as per the program. Multiple ON/OFF time entry is the biggest advantage with this project. A matrix keypad helps entering the time. A 7-sement display or LCD is interfaced to the microcontroller to display time

Hardware requirements:
·       8051 series Microcontroller
·       real time clock (RTC)
·       Keypad
·       Relay
·       Relay Driver IC
·       LED
·       LCD
·       voltage Regulator
·       Lamp
·       Power supply
Software requirements:
·       MC Programming Language: Embedded C
·       Keil version IDE
·       Proteus For Circuit &PCB Design 

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Efficient Power Manager Based on people Visitor counting System

Efficient Power Manager Based on people Visitor counting System

Electricity is one of the most important requirement of modern civilization and  the demand of power is increasing continuously, with already installed power generation system the cost of this is also high and , we cannot replace the new generating system every time .to solve this problem we need to manage energy efficient lightings at home
Hence we provide efficient power manager based on people visitor count. In this system gives powerful and efficient solution for energy efficient lighting to save energy by optimizing home appliances based on a person’s presence in the room using different wireless technologies like IR sensors. When a person enters in room and leaves out of his room depends on this system will decided switch the home appliances like room lights on. 

Block diagram:

Block Diagram Efficient Power Manager Based on people Visitor counting System

This system possesses two sets of IR transmitter and IR receiver to detect the persons entering and leaving the room. The IR transmitter continuously emits IR rays generated by the timer circuit at some specific frequency. This frequency is detected by the IR receiver that gives input signals to the8051 microcontroller. 
The microcontroller is programmed in such a way that for every pulse that enters the IR sensor, the system also counts the number of persons entering and leaving the room it increments the counter, and for the exit sensor signal, it decrements the count. And displays that information on 7 segment display. After receiving the pulse signal from the IR sensor, the microcontroller switches loads by using relay. When nobody is there in home and count is zero the microcontroller will switch off the appliances to save energy.

Hardware requirements:
·       8051 microcontroller
·       IR sensors
·       7 segment display
·       Relays
·       Power supply
·       Voltage regulator
·       Buzzer/LED

Software requirements:
·       MC Programming Language: Embedded C
·       Keil version IDE
·       Proteus For Circuit &PCB Design

Download Abstract Efficient Power Manager Based on people Visitor counting System

Wireless Area Load shedding Management System Using Xbee Module

Wireless Area Load Shedding Management System  Using Xbee Module

The world today’s facing the most critical Problem of not getting the regular many low background areas such as village there is people gets suffer from long time no power supply while some high city areas are having continuous power supply so it’s important To providing power supply fairly in all areas as well as cut off the power supply fairly in all areas.
To manage this problem here we introduce wireless area load management using Xbee module system which is placed at control room from where u can control your areas power supply at the distance of 1km.We are using Xbee protocol for the wireless communication between transmitter site and particular area and we control the power supply of area using numerical keypad. Particular areas power supply is depends as per commands on numerical keypad and turns on and off.

Block diagram :-

Wireless Area Load Management Using Xbee Module RX

Wireless Area Load Management Using Xbee Module TX

In this system we use the xbee module which is main advantage of using xbee protocol is that the nodes require very less amount of power so it can be operated from battery. At the transmitter end commands first receive by the numerical keypad and its send to xbee module which placed at transmitter site and then this commands sends to the receiver end xbee modules and after that send to the AT89S51 microcontroller, then microcontroller process the data and turns on and off the light of area at the receiver end and status will be shown on LCD.
so when the user press 1 from the numerical keypad the area 1 gets off . when the user press 2 from the keypad it turns on the area 1 . When the user press 3 from the keypad it again on the second area and this goes on continuing with the other keypad . so the main aim is to control the area from the distance of 1 km as xbee module can cover area upto 1 km..

  Hardware specifications:-
·          LCD
·         AT89S51 Micro-controller
·         Relay And Connectors
·         relay Driver 
·         Xbee module
·         Numerical Keypad
·         Power supply
·         LED

Software specifications:-
·         MC programming language: Embedded c
·         Keil studio ยต version

Click Here to Download Data Of  Wireless Area Load Shedding Management System  Using Xbee Module System Project  

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Android Based Multiple Cities Load Shedding Management Programmable Interface

Android Based Area Load Shedding Management

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