Showing posts with label 8051. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8051. Show all posts

Vehicle Accident Alert and Tracking System Project using 8051 Microcontroller

Vehicle Accident Alert and Tracking System   Project using 8051 Microcontroller

In the present day, lots of vehicle accidents happen on highways due to the many reasons like an increase in traffic and also due to rash driving of the drivers. And in many situations, the family members of the victim or the ambulance or police authority are not informed in time. This result in delaying the help reached to the person who suffered due to an accident.

So this problem is solved by Vehicle Accident Alert and Tracking System by fitting device into the vehicles. in case suppose the cars meet with an accident then vibration Sensor will detect the accident then Our System gets activated which will track vehicle locations and send the message to the particular number which is predefined in the program. So the person can get help as immediately as soon as possible.


Block diagram:-


Basically, the GPS continuously takes input data from the satellite and stores the latitude and longitude value in AT89S52microcontroller's buffer & show Data on LCD Display.

In this system having a GPS device which is used to tracking the location of vehicle, it also gets deactivated by detecting an accident on the vibration Sensor connected to the vehicle. Parallel activates GSM.

Once System gets activated it takes the last received latitude and longitude positions values and sends a message to the particular mobile number which is predefined in the program in the form of longitude and latitude in the Google map link.

Suppose in some cases the accident is minor so the driver or user don’t want to send an emergency message then he can press the System Switch which sends the signal to the AT89S52 microcontroller will not send any message in case of a minor accident.

But In case of Major Accident Then user or Driver is not in a condition to press any switch so, after 10sec time interval system will automatically send a message with Google map link of  Car location.

Hardware Specifications:-

  • GPS Modem
  • GSM Modem
  • AT89S51 Microcontroller (8051 family )
  • Vibration Sensor
  • LCD display
  • Switch
  • Power supply
  • PCB Board
  • Buzzer
  • LED
  • Resistor
  • Capacitor
  • Crystal

Software Specifications:-

  • Programming Language: embedded C
  • Keil  version IDE For programming
  • Proteus Software For Circuit & PCB Design





GSM Based Weather Station Reporting System

GSM Based Weather Station Reporting System

Nowadays, electrical accidents to the line man are increasing, while repairing the electrical lines due to miscommunication between the maintenance staff & the electric substation staff. During the electrical fault or short circuit, the power network will suffer from a high stress of fault current in them which may harm the equipment permanently.
To overcome this problem, we introduces password based load control system which is arranged in such a way that maintenance staff or line man has to enter the password to ON/OFF the electrical line. Separate passwords are allocated for every electrical line that access by authorized person only. Now, if there is any mistake in the electrical line then the line man will switch off the power supply to the line by entering password and comfortably repair the electrical line.
Block diagram:
Block Diagram GSM Based Weather Station Reporting System

The main component in the circuit is 8051 microcontroller. A 4×4 matrix keypad is used to enter the password. The password which is entered is compared with the predefined password stored in ROM of microcontroller. If entered password is correct, then the corresponding electrical line is turned ON or OFF and display line or load status on LCD. If the password is wrong, then display “wrong password” on the LCD.
In this project a separate password is provided to each electrical line. Activation and deactivation of the line (circuit breaker) is indicated by the load (Light Bulbs).
Hardware requirements:
·       8051 microcontroller
·       keypad
·       Voltage regulator
·       LCD
·       Power supply
·       Relay driver
·       Relays
·       Lamps

Software requirements:
  •  ·       MC Programming Language: Embedded C
  •  ·       Keil version IDE
  •  ·       Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design

Download Abstract GSM Based Weather Station Reporting System

Hand Motion Gesture Based Robotic Vehicle

Hand Motion Gesture Based Robotic Vehicle 8051 Based Microcontroller

Robots are playing an important role in automation across all the sectors like construction, military, medical, manufacturing .the way of interaction between human and robot has been developing using various technologies but controlling the robot with a remote or a switch is quite complicated.
Here we are introducing hand gesture based robotic vehicle system .in this system the movement of the robot is controlled with hand gestures and there is no need to have any physical contact with robot and it is  divided into two parts, transmitter and receiver where the data from the hand gestures is transmitted to the robot over RF link. The Decoder will convert the data and it is given to the motor driver IC. Based on the data, the movement of the motors.
Block diagram:
Block Diagram Hand Motion Gesture Based Robotic Vehicle

This system includes aRf receiver circuit which will be mounted on the top with 8051 microcontroller and Driver IC to operate the motors.The commands that are received by the IC on the circuit and this data is captured by the microcontroller, which then transmits a corresponding data to the Encoder. The parallel data received by the encoder is converted into serial data and this serial data is transmitted by the RF Transmitter which forwards the command to the RF receiver..
At the receiver section, the RF Receiver receives the serial data and transmits it to the Decoder IC. The Decoder will convert the serial data to parallel data and this parallel data is given to the motor driver IC. And  makes the vehicle move in the respective directions that is left, right, front and backwards is controlled in accordance with tilting the hand in the respective directions.
Hardware requirements:
·       8051 microcontroller
·       RF transmitter
·       RFreceiver
·       Voltage regulator
·       Hand gloves
·       Power supply
·       Motor driver ic
·       motor

Software requirements:

·      MC programming language: Embedded C

·      Keil  version IDE
·       Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design

Download Abstract Block Diagram Hand Motion Gesture Based Robotic Vehicle