Showing posts with label Sensor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sensor. Show all posts

Industry Temperature Monitoring System 8051 Microcontroller

Industry Temperature Monitoring System 8051 Microcontroller

Many times When temperature limits are exceeded, electronic components and circuits may be damaged by exposure to high temperatures and Some processes work well only within a narrow range of temperatures; So proper care must be taken is important to monitor and protect the system.
Here we present the Industry Temperature monitoring system. and it monitor temperature using DS18b20 temperature sensor in these we set temperature limit in minimum and maximum and if temperature go above or below than the limit it stop the working of system until temperature will reaches under the limit.

Block diagram:-

Block Diagram Industry Temperature Monitoring System 8051 Microcontroller

In the system we use DS18b20 temperature sensor interfaced to the AT89S52  microcontroller. The microcontroller is also in turn connected to an LCD screen.
When temperature rises beyond or go below a certain limit DS18b20 temperature sensor sends a signal to the microcontroller then microcontroller processes the signal to the load and displays the temperature status on LCD screen. Its switch off the load and system stop working until the temperature reach the limits.

Hardware specification:-
·      AT89S51microcontroller
·      DS18b20 temperature sensor
·      LCD
·      Power supply
·      load

Software specification:-
  • MC Programming Language: embedded C
  • Keil  version IDE
  • Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design

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Industry Temperature Sensing With SMS Notification

Industry Temperature Sensing With SMS Notification 8051 Based Microcontroller

Many times When temperature limits are exceeded, electronic components and circuits may be damaged by exposure to high temperatures and Some processes work well only within a narrow range of temperatures; So proper care must be taken is important to monitor and protect the system.
Here we present the Industry Temperature sensing system with GSM notifications and it monitor temperature using DS18b20 temperature sensor in these we set temperature limit in minimum and maximum and if temperature go above or below than the limit then it send massage to the authorized contact which is predefine number in database and also it stop the working of system until temperature will reaches under the limit.

Block diagram:-

Block Diagram Industry Temperature Sensing With SMS Notification

In the system we use DS18b20 temperature sensor interfaced to the AT89S52 microcontroller. The microcontroller is also in connected to an LCD screen.
When temperature rises beyond or go below a certain limit DS18b20 temperature sensor sends a signal to the microcontroller then microcontroller processes the signal and displays the temperature status on LCD screen and then its send the temperature status massage to the authorized contact which predefine in database through GSM.

Hardware specification:-
·      AT89S51microcontroller
·      DS18b20 temperature sensor
·      LCD
·      GSM modem
·      Power supply

Software specification:-
  • MC Programming Language: embedded C
  • Keil  version IDE
  • Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design

Download Abstract Industry Temperature Sensing With SMS Notification

Vehicle Accident Alert And Tracking System Project 8051 Based Microcontroller

Vehicle Accident Alert And Tracking System Project 8051 Based Microcontroller

  • ·       Abstract of  Vehicle Accident Alert and Tracking System Project
In present days lots of vehicle accidents happen on highways due to the many reasons like increase in traffic and also due to rash driving of the drivers. And in many situations the family members of victim or the ambulance or police authority is not informed in time. This result in delaying the help reached to the person suffered due to accident.
So this problem is solved by Vehicle Accident Alert and Tracking System by fitting device into the vehicles. in case suppose the cars meet with accident then vibration Sensor will detect the accident then GSM device gets activated which will track vehicle locations and send the message to the particular number which is predefine in program. so the person can get the help as immediately as possible.

Block diagram:-

Vehicle Accident Alert And Tracking System Project 8051 Based Microcontroller Block diagram
Basically the GPS continuously takes input data from the satellite and stores the latitude and longitude value in AT89S52microcontroller's buffer.
In this system having a GPS device which is used to tracking location of vehicle, It also gets deactivated by detecting accident on the vibration Sensor connected to vehicle. Parallel activates GSM.
Once GSM gets activated it takes the last received latitude and longitude positions values  from the buffer and sends a message to the particular number which is predefined in the program in the form of longitude and latitude, Once message has been sent to the predefined device the GSM gets deactivated and GPS gets activated.
Suppose in some cases the accident will minor so the driver or user can press the button connected with system which is send the signal to the AT89S52microcontroller will not send any  massaged in case of minor accident.

Hardware Specifications:-
  • GPS Modem
  • GSM Modem
  • AT89S51 Microcontroller (8051 family )
  • shock sensor
  • LCD display
  • Power supply
  • Buzzer
  • LED

Software Specifications:-
  • MC Programming Language: embedded C
  • Keil version IDE
  • Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design.
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Home Appliance Control Using Android Application Project

Bluetooth Android Based Home Automation System

In today’s highly developing world most of  peoples wants their homes are automated as per increased level of affordability, simplicity  and comfort through the integration of home appliances with smart phone and tablet connectivity. Home Automation Using Android Application is a system that controls various home appliances such as a fan, bulb, AC, TV etc. with an android application.
So here we introduce Home automation system which is developed to automate the use of conventional lighting mechanism (wall switches) in house by using android application connected to the system with help of Bluetooth, user can simply controlled remote that sends ON/OFF signals to micro-controller by using this application and as per that instruction micro-controller will operate the particular appliances.

Block diagram:-

In this system will simply connected to android mobile which has already installed android application in it with help of Bluetooth module; So user can simply give the commands through the application with are sends to the micro controller and then micro controller will handle the particular load.
   The micro controller is programmed in a way that whenever the command is given through the application for driving the appliances on and off, it communicates with the relay circuit. Suppose if user want to  ON the load 1 then user need to  simply press the button 1 on android application if user want OFF the load 1 then press same button and massage will be displaying on LCD and android apps.

Hardware Specifications:-

  • LED Display
  • 8051  Micro-controller
  • Power supply
  • Relays and connectors
  • LCD
  • Bluetooth module HC-05

Software Specifications:-
  • MC Programming Language: Embedded C
  • Android apps
  • Keil µ version IDE

Click Here to Download Data Of  Bluetooth Android Based Home Automation System Project  

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Ultrasonic Based Radar System On Graphical display

Ultrasonic Based Radar System On Graphical display

Ultrasonic Based Security System

Ultrasonic Based Security System

Iot Garbage Monitoring System

Smart Dustbin Over IOT

Liquid Water Level Controller System Using Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic Based water level controller System

Smart Blind Walking Stick Projectswith Audio acknowledgement

Smart Safety & Advance Blind Walking Stick

   In Smart Safety & Advance Blind Walking Stick There Is GPS Module Which Use To track The         Person Location.  And There Is RF Module is there to Find Her Stick Where he Kept, There Is          Voice Module Is There Which Use as Feedback System to User. There Is Ultrasonic Sensor is Use       to Detect Any Object In Between the path is there is obstacle in path then in Give feedback to user     in voice and Vibration Mode also there is Water Detector and day and night sensor is there to know     the user and gsm Module is there to update location on web or sms form & if there is any                     emergency is there then send location of User To web or to person Test Sms or even he can call the     user in system predefined no communicate fast for and any emergency Condition.

Smart Blind Walking Stick Projects with Audio acknowledgement
Smart Blind Walking Stick Projects with Audio acknowledgement
   Hardware Requirement:-
             ·         Micro controller
             ·         GSM
             ·         GPS
             ·         Voice Module
             ·         Vibration Motor
             ·         Ultrasonic Sensor
             ·         RF Module

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Ultrasonic Based Blind walking stick Projects

Ultrasonic Based Blind walking stick

Blind stick is an important for visually disabled people for navigation. Here an advanced blind stick that allows visually challenged people to navigate with ease using advanced technology. The blind stick is integrated with ultrasonic sensor along with light and water sensing. Ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles ahead using ultrasonic sensor. On sensing obstacles the sensor passes this data to the microcontroller.
The microcontroller then processes this data and calculates if the obstacle is close enough or not. If the obstacle is not that close the circuit does nothing. If the obstacle is close then microcontroller sends a signal to sound a buzzer and vibration feedback. Also if it detects water and alerts the blind with same feedback with different frequency. One more feature is that it allows the blind to detect if there is light or darkness in the room. also help the blind people to find their stick if they forget where kept it. Then A wireless RF remote is used for this purpose. Pressing the remote button sounds a buzzer on the stick which helps the blind person to find their stick. Thus this system allows for obstacle detection as well as finding stick if misplaced by them.

Block Diagram:-

Hardware Specifications:-

  • RF 434mhz module 
  • HT12D 
  • HT12E
  • Vibration motor
  • LDR 
  • Buzzer
  • Microcontroller
  • LCD display
  • Power supply
  • LED
Software Specification :-

  • MC programming language : embedded C
  • keil vesrion IDE

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Ultrasonic Based Embedded Electronics Projects

Sensor Based Embedded Electronics Projects

Sensor Based Embedded Electronics Projects

  1. Vehicle Movement Based Street Light Glows On Detecting Vehicle Movement
  2. Desired Lamp Illumination Control System
  3. Fingerprint Authentication Device Controller System
  4. Soil Moisture Sensing And Using Irrigation Control
  5. Fingerprint Based Exam Hall Authentication System
  6. Rain Sensing Automatic Car Wiper using Servo Motor
  7. Fire Fighter Robot
  8. DC Motor Speed Controller System
  9. PC Surveillance System Camera
  10. Line Following robotic Vehicle
  11. Finger Print Based Voting System
  12. Railway crossing gate control system
  13. Vehicle Movement Based Street Light Glows On Detecting Vehicle Movement
  14. Sun tracker Solar Panel
  15. Automatic Light Intensity Controller Of Street Lights
  16. Configurable Password Security System
  17. Controlling Industrial Power Using Internal Power Switching
  18. Motion Based Auto Door Opener System.
  19. Car Over speeding Detection System
  20. Industry Temperature Controller System
  21. Bus Tracking System using RF module
  22. Solar Based Auto Intensity Control Of Street Lights
  23. Smart Metro Train
  24. Solar Based Auto Irrigation System
  25. Touch Screen Based Home Automation Controlled System
  26. RTC Based Pump Switcher To Controller Water Supply
  27. Bomb Eliminator Robot With Control Arm
  28. Testing Life Cycle Of Electrical Loads By Using Down Counter
  29. Switching Between Solar, Mains, Generator and Inventor To Get Continuous Power Supply
  30. Automatic Bell System For Schools And so on Based On RTC
  31. Contact Less Tacho Meter
  32. Coastal Area Monitoring System
  33. Running DC Motor At Required Speed
  34. Controlling Liquid Level System
  35. Industry Automation Using Programmable Switching in Repetitive Nature Of Work PLC Based.
  36. Traffic Signal light control
  37. Efficient Power Manager Based on people/Visitor counting System
  38. Density Based Traffic Controller System
  39. Programmable Medication Reminder System
  40. Load Shedding Time Management For Utility Department
  41.  AC Power Controlling System
  42. UNDERGROUND Cable Fault Distance Calculator
  43. Gas leakage detection system for cars, factories.
  44. Auto Race Lap Time Measurement System
  45. Car Over speeding Detection with send Data on Control Room System
  46. Precise Digital Temperature Controller
  47. Circuit Breaker Based On Password
  48. Intelligent railway gate control and display Gate close time with alarm system
  49. Mini IR Radar For Unauthorized Object Detection at 360 degree
  50. Alcohol Sensing With Alarm Project
  51. Dam Operation Based On Water Level to Controls DAM shutter
  52. Coin Based Mobile charger