Showing posts with label Radar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Radar. Show all posts

Ultrasonic Based Radar System Project

Ultrasonic Based Radar System Project Using 8051

We come across situations where we need to keep a watch over prohibited areas to avoid trespassing. Now keeping human labor for this purpose is costly and also not reliable for keeping a watch over an area 24×7. So for this purpose ultrasonic radar project for unauthorized human / animal or object detection system. The system can monitor an area of limited range and alerts authorities with a buzzer as an alarm. For this purpose we use a microcontroller circuit that is connected to a ultrasonic sensor mounted on a servo motor for monitoring.
We also interface a buzzer and LCD screen for monitoring the detection status. The radar keeps monitoring the environment checking the ultrasonic sensor echo. As soon as an object is detected the data of detection is processed and sent to authorities with an alert of where exactly the object was detected. Thus ultrasonic radar proves to be a very useful system for 24×7 monitoring of a particular area/region.

Block Diagram :-

Ultrasonic Radar system Project Ultrasonic Module acts as an input device and servo motor acts as an output device and servo motor is rotated at 180 degree by the microcontroller. Ultrasonic radar System ultrasonic sensor detect any object in the range it detects it and send the data to the microcontroller.
The microcontroller then process the data and decide whether it is range of 25 cm as we have kept the distance of 25cm for this project that any object in the distance of 25cm will be shown in the LCD . And if the object is in the range the message will be shown in the LCD with the accurate distance of the object with the angle in which the object is there and the message will be displayed on the LCD and servo motor is use to rotate the radar at 180 clockwise anticlockwise simultaneously the buzzer starts ringing with flashing the red light as sign that the object is been detected.

Hardware Specifications:-

  • Micro Controller 
  • LCD
  • Power Supply 
  • Servo Motor 
  • Diodes
  • Ultrasonic Module 
  • LED
Software Specification :-
  • MC programming language : embedded C
  • Keil Studio IDE

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