Showing posts with label safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label safety. Show all posts

Industry Temperature Sensing With SMS Notification

Industry Temperature Sensing With SMS Notification 8051 Based Microcontroller

Many times When temperature limits are exceeded, electronic components and circuits may be damaged by exposure to high temperatures and Some processes work well only within a narrow range of temperatures; So proper care must be taken is important to monitor and protect the system.
Here we present the Industry Temperature sensing system with GSM notifications and it monitor temperature using DS18b20 temperature sensor in these we set temperature limit in minimum and maximum and if temperature go above or below than the limit then it send massage to the authorized contact which is predefine number in database and also it stop the working of system until temperature will reaches under the limit.

Block diagram:-

Block Diagram Industry Temperature Sensing With SMS Notification

In the system we use DS18b20 temperature sensor interfaced to the AT89S52 microcontroller. The microcontroller is also in connected to an LCD screen.
When temperature rises beyond or go below a certain limit DS18b20 temperature sensor sends a signal to the microcontroller then microcontroller processes the signal and displays the temperature status on LCD screen and then its send the temperature status massage to the authorized contact which predefine in database through GSM.

Hardware specification:-
·      AT89S51microcontroller
·      DS18b20 temperature sensor
·      LCD
·      GSM modem
·      Power supply

Software specification:-
  • MC Programming Language: embedded C
  • Keil  version IDE
  • Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design

Download Abstract Industry Temperature Sensing With SMS Notification

Vehicle with Advanced Safety And Security System 8051 Based

  Vehicle with Advanced Safety And Security System 8051 Based Projects

  • Abstract of Vehicle with Advanced Safety And Security System
In Today’s vehicle accidents is increased day by day and provides good security and safety while travelling is become it’s important that provides more and more safety and security features in vehicles as per increasing demands of peoples.
So here we introduce vehicle with advance safety system which included features of monitoring level of gas, fire, and alcohol inside the vehicle and provide alert information in form of alarm and massage display on LCD,during the critical situation like if any accident happened with car and also send the message to the authorized person through the GSM.

  • Block diagram 
BlockDiagram Vehicle with Advanced Safety And Security System 8051 Based
In this system to detect the accident, shock sensor is used so when accident happens, this sensor will be active. And the information sends to AT89S51 microcontroller and massage will be displaying on LCD also active the buzzer. At the same time, GPS and GSM modem will also active which are interfaced to the AT89S51 microcontroller. And through GSM modem the massage will send to the contacts which are stored in the database in the longitude and latitude format of location which will have obtained through GPS.
In other cases like if gas leakage will detected by gas sensor or fire will detected by fire sensor and alcohol is detected by alcohol sensor and display on LCD then massage will send to the contact which is predefine in database same as per above situation.
If system gets active then user has to deactivate system for next safety reason
If any cases accident was minor and person doesn’t want to send a massage then this facility provided by just press the button available in the system.
  • Hardware specification:-
    ·       AT89S51 microcontroller
    ·       Shock sensor
    ·       Alcohol sensor
    ·       Fire sensor
    ·       Switch
    ·       Gas sensor
    ·       GPS modem
    ·       GSM modem
    ·       Buzzer
    ·       LCD
    ·       Power supply

    Software specification:-
    ·       MC programming language:- Embedded c
    ·       Keil studio version
    ·       Proteus For PCB & Circuit Design

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Vehicle Accident Alert And Tracking System Project 8051 Based Microcontroller

Vehicle Accident Alert And Tracking System Project 8051 Based Microcontroller

  • ·       Abstract of  Vehicle Accident Alert and Tracking System Project
In present days lots of vehicle accidents happen on highways due to the many reasons like increase in traffic and also due to rash driving of the drivers. And in many situations the family members of victim or the ambulance or police authority is not informed in time. This result in delaying the help reached to the person suffered due to accident.
So this problem is solved by Vehicle Accident Alert and Tracking System by fitting device into the vehicles. in case suppose the cars meet with accident then vibration Sensor will detect the accident then GSM device gets activated which will track vehicle locations and send the message to the particular number which is predefine in program. so the person can get the help as immediately as possible.

Block diagram:-

Vehicle Accident Alert And Tracking System Project 8051 Based Microcontroller Block diagram
Basically the GPS continuously takes input data from the satellite and stores the latitude and longitude value in AT89S52microcontroller's buffer.
In this system having a GPS device which is used to tracking location of vehicle, It also gets deactivated by detecting accident on the vibration Sensor connected to vehicle. Parallel activates GSM.
Once GSM gets activated it takes the last received latitude and longitude positions values  from the buffer and sends a message to the particular number which is predefined in the program in the form of longitude and latitude, Once message has been sent to the predefined device the GSM gets deactivated and GPS gets activated.
Suppose in some cases the accident will minor so the driver or user can press the button connected with system which is send the signal to the AT89S52microcontroller will not send any  massaged in case of minor accident.

Hardware Specifications:-
  • GPS Modem
  • GSM Modem
  • AT89S51 Microcontroller (8051 family )
  • shock sensor
  • LCD display
  • Power supply
  • Buzzer
  • LED

Software Specifications:-
  • MC Programming Language: embedded C
  • Keil version IDE
  • Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design.
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Smart Vehicle security & Safety System

Smart Vehicle security & Safety System

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One touch alarm Women safety system

In Today’s World Women Safety is the most Important Issue In very Country. Today Women Are Harassed And troubled And Sometimes When the Urgent Help Is needed. There is No Required Location If the Women So that People Can Help, its necessity that we are all aware of importance of women safety, but we must analyze that they should be properly protected
So here we introduce one touch women safety system can be used by Any Women Those Who Are Working Late night Or Have the Doubt of Any Misusing Against her. The Women Just has To Press The button For Help That’s it. the system resembles a normal watch which when activated, when press switch tracks the place of the women using GPS (Global Positioning System) and sends emergency messages using GSM (Global System for Mobile communication), to authorized contacts and the police control room.

Block diagram:-
Block Diagram of One touch alarm Women safety system using 8051 microcontroller

All these operation can be made by using a single button. When the switch is pressed, GPS used to trace the location of women’s. The output of the microcontroller is transmitted wirelessly by using GSM module to the receiver’s mobiles and server. The server has a data base in which lots of numbers were saved based on region. The incoming signal consists of GPS coordinate. By compare this with the database the sever will find out the corresponding place and sent information (message and location) to those authorized contact.
These numbers consist of Police station numbers of that region and others in that region so that they can respond in the incident. Suppose the server receive the message then using its database the server will find out that the location of the area. Then it will automatically sent message to those numbers stored from that area in the longitude and latitude form.

Hardware specifications:-
·         8051 microcontroller
·         buzzer 
·         LED
·         LCD
·         GPS
·         GSM
·         Power Supply

Software specification:-
·       MC programming language: embedded c
·       Keil version IDE

·       Proteus Software For Circuit & PCB Desing
 Download Abstract of One touch alarm Women safety system Projects

Circuit Diagram For One touch alarm Women safety system Projects:-

PCB Layout For One touch alarm Women safety system Projects:-

Click Here For One touch alarm Women Safety System Project  

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