RFID Based Voting Machine System

RFID Based Voting Machine System

Voting is most pivotal process of democratic society through which people determine its government so we need to provide more security and accuracy during this process to avoid many social and political issues like user using fake id  card for voting and using their id such many times to give vote or user is  unauthorised.
To avoid such problem and giving a transparency in this system, Here we introduce RFID based voting machine system in this the person who has authority for voting only can allow to give vote and any unauthorised person does not allow to give vote by RFID. we can get vote status who give the vote if that person try again to give vote then he can detected by RF reader and inform the officer with help of warning sound.

Block Diagram :-

In the RFID based voting machine system, every user who has authority to give the vote have one RFID card which included one microchip in it and user can simply swipe a RFID card on EM-18 RF reader which is interfacing with AT89S51 micro controller and the LCD, check that the RFID card id is match with id which is predefined in AT89S51 micro controller memory and result is display on LCD. If the user is unauthorised  or user will try to give vote again then micro controller will not allow that to give vote and display the error massage on LCD and then buzzer will activated to give the warning sound. And at the end of voting we can get result at very fast just pressing switch on the system.

Hardware Specification:-
  • RFID Tag
  • AT89S51 Micro controller 
  • EM- 18 RFID Reader
  • LCD
  • Buzzer
  • Power Supply 
Software Specification :-
  • MC programming language : embedded C
  • keil studio micro version  5

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