Android Password Based Remote Door Opener System Project

Android Based Password Door Open System

Our project aims at remote password based door opener system through an android application. The system tends to make a secure door opening mechanism such that the door only unlocks when a security personnel opens it by entering the right password through an android application. The authorised person needs to be present within Bluetooth range of the door but need not open the door manually. He just needs to enter the right password through his android application in order to unlock the door. This is a useful concept in places where the security needs to open gates quite usually or need to operate a door from a vehicle without needing to get down from it.
      The command sending functionality is achieved through an android application.   The application provides an interactive user friendly GUI for this purpose. The android application can be operated from any device running on android OS and uses Bluetooth as a medium for sending commands.
As soon as commands are sent through the android device a Bluetooth receiver is used to receive those commands. These commands are then sent to the 8051 micro-controller. The micro-controller processes these commands and then tallies the password to check its correctness. If the right password is encountered it sends command to open the door.

Block Diagram:-

Hardware specifications:-

·      8051 series Microcontroller
·      Resistors & crystal
·      Capacitors
·      Diodes & Transformer
·      Voltage regulator
·      Motor Driver IC
·      DC Motor with sliding mechanism
·      Bluetooth Device

Software specifications

         ·      MC programming language: Embedded c
        ·      Keil studio ยต version

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