Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override

Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override

Traffic congestion is a severe problem in many major cities across the world and it has become nightmare for the commuters in these cities. Conventional traffic light system is based on fixed time concept allotted to each side of the junction which cannot be varied as per varying traffic density Junction timings allotted are fixed. Due to the heavy traffic in the road many people are suffering and also because of large time delays between traffic lights which will also impact on any emergency service vehicle like ambulance, fire bridged.
So, in order to rectify this problem, we will go for Traffic Controller Based on Density with RF Remote Override designed to identify the traffic on road is low/medium or high with help of IR sensors and develop density based dynamic traffic signal system where the signal timing changes automatically on sensing the traffic density at the junction. And provides efficient solution by using remote override feature to give green signal on particular road in case of any emergency.
Block diagram:-

Block Diagram Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override
Block Diagram Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override

In this system, we will use IR sensors to measure the traffic density which are interfaced to the microcontroller. We have to arrange the RF transmitter and RF receiver for each road in particular manner then IR transmitter is continuously sends signals to IR receiver if any object is found between them then this signal will send to the microcontroller then according to the traffic density microcontroller will controls the traffic signal system.
If the traffic density is high or low on one way then the system will analyses the traffic and according to that it will increased or decreased the time of signal lights. Which will help to reduce the traffic jam problems and suppose if any case there is emergency cased is happened then that time we control the traffic using remote override feature and allowed to pass the emergency vehicle?

Hardware Requirement:-
·      AT89S51 Microcontroller
·      LED
·      Voltage Regulator
·      IR sensors
·      Crystal
·      Transistor
·      Supply
·      HT12D & HT12E
·      RF modules 434mhz
Software Requirements:-
·       MC Programming Language: Embedded C
·       Keil version IDE
·       Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design

Download Abstract Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override

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