Showing posts with label Distance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Distance. Show all posts

Ultrasonic Distance Measurement HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Based On 8051 Microcontroller

Ultrasonic Distance Measurement HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Based On 8051 Microcontroller

If u want to measuring a distance usually we are using measuring tape or another tools but this kind of tools having limitations and manuals error and there are many industry where we need to measure a particular distance from object. There areseveral ways to measure distance without human contact like infrared ray, radar, laser but they are very expensive, hence the ultrasound waves can be used for applications in industries/vehicles without hindering human activity.
So here we introduce Ultrasonic distance measuring system which measures the distance of any object by using an ultrasonic module comprising of a transmitter and receiver interfaced to a microcontroller. To get distance of object from current position

Block diagram:-

Block Diagram of Ultrasonic Distance Measurement HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Based On 8051 Microcontroller

In the system we used ultrasonic sensors to measure sensors by using pulse echo and phase measurement method and an ultrasonic module is interfaced to the microcontroller, and an ultrasonic transducer comprising of a transmitter and receiver  and it will transmitted the waves.
 If any object is comes under the range that we are set to the transducer then the transmitted waves are reflected back from the object and received by the transducer. The total time taken from sending the waves to the receiving end is calculated by taking into consideration the velocity of the sound. Then, the distance is calculated by a program running on the microcontroller and displayed on an LCD screen interfaced to the microcontroller.

Hardware specification:-
·      8051 series microcontroller
·      ultrasonic transducer
·      LCD
·      LED
·      Power supply

Software specification:-
  • MC Programming Language: embedded C
  • Keil  version IDE
  • Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design

Abstract Ultrasonic Distance Measurement HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Based On 8051 Microcontroller

Ultrasonic Distance Indicator On Lcd Display Using HC-SR04

Ultrasonic Distance Indicator On Lcd Display Using  HC-SR04 8051 Based

If u want to measuring a distance usually we are using measuring tape or another tools but this kind of tools having limitations and manuals error and there are many places like in vehicles where we need to detect a particular distance to prevent from any accident. There areseveral ways to measure distance without human contact like infrared ray, radar, laser but they are very expensive, hence the ultrasound waves can be used for applications in industries/vehicles without hindering human activity
So here we introduce Ultrasonic distance indicating system  which detects any object ahead of the ultrasonic transducer by using an emitter for sending 40 kHz sound wave; and a detector that detects this 40 kHz sound wave and sends the signal back to the microcontroller. Which use in reverse car parking to avoid damage of car
Block diagram:-

Block Diagram Of Ultrasonic Distance Indicator On Lcd Display Using  HC-SR04

In the system we used ultrasonic sensors to measure sensors byusing pulse echo and phase measurement method and an ultrasonic module is interfaced to the microcontroller, and an ultrasonic transducer comprising of a transmitter and receiver  and it will transmitted the waves.
 If any object is comes under the range that we are set to the transducer then the transmitted waves are reflected back from the object and received by the transducer. And then it will gives the warning with help of buzzer and LED lights to indicate that the distance is to close and help to prevent the vehicles to meet with accident and will be display on LCD.

Hardware specification:-
·       8051 series microcontroller
·       ultrasonic transducer
·       LCD
·       LED
·       Buzzer
·       Power supply

Software specification:-
  • MC Programming Language: embedded C
  • Keil  version IDE
  • Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design

Download Abstract Ultrasonic Distance Indicator On Lcd Display Using  HC-SR04