Android Based Programmable Sequential Load Operation Controlled 8051 Microcontroller

Android Based Programmable Sequential Load Operation Controlled System Based On 8051 Microcontroller

We know that in industries, loads are distributed over large distances, At present, they are physically controlled which makes it complex to organize the lighting with the particular scene and it is not convenient to operate all those equipment time to time and it is also time to consume.For distant controlling and monitoring of different loads and by means of efficient power usage we are introducing android based programmable sequential load operation controlled system.
in this we can switch the industrial loads using programmable device and android application for sequential operation. Remote operation is achieved by any smart phone with android OS upon a GUI based touch operation.In industries, there are many tasks are carried out which requires some repeated operation in various orders and time intervals sothe objective of this project is to facilitate the loads, that are to be operated either manually or automatically, by using remote Android mobile
Block diagram:

Block Diagram Android Based Programmable Sequential Load Operation Controlled 8051 Microcontroller

The project is designed to operate loads using relays interfaced to a 8051 microcontroller through remotely operated commands to it by touch screen based user friendly GUI on any smart phone with Android applicationsto control the system initiates the operation of the circuit. This entire system works on Bluetooth that is attached to the circuit.
Microcontroller is programmed in such a way that the loads a can be operated in three modes: Set mode, Auto mode and Manual mode.
In set mode, through timers, the machinery works based on input time set by the user where as in auto mode it works on default time settings and finally in the manual mode it functions while respective switches are pressed depending on the user’s need and flexibility Whenever the corresponding button to auto-mode is pressed in the Android phone, the microcontroller senses that signal and correspondingly switches the loads set by the user. All the modes and status of loads are displayed on an LCD.

Hardware requirements:
·       8051 microcontroller
·       LCD
·       Voltage regulator
·       Bluetooth device
·       Power supply
·       Android application
·       Relay driver and relays

Software requirements:

·      MC programming language: Embedded C

·      Keil  version IDE
·      Android Application
·       Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design

Download Abstract Android Based Programmable Sequential Load Operation Controlled 8051 Microcontroller

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