Robotic Vehicle Controlled By Android App using 8051 Based Microcontroller

Robotic Vehicle Controlled By Android App using 8051 Based Microcontroller

Robots are smart machines that can be programmed and used in many areas such as industry, manufacturing, production lines, or health, etc. Today human-machine interaction is moving away from mouse and pen and is becoming pervasive and much more compatible with the physical world. With each new day the gap between machines humans is being bridged with the introduction of new technologies to ease the standard of living.
So here we introduce robotic vehicle controlled by android application system It controls a robotic vehicle from an android application by using Bluetooth technology interfaced to the control unit on the robot for sensing the signals transmitted by the android application and microcontroller operates the robot movements.

Block diagram:-
Block Diagram Robotic Vehicle Controlled By Android App using 8051 Based Microcontroller

In the system First the Bluetooth module hc05 will receive the command from the android application blue controland it will give this command to micro-controller for processing. And then the micro-controller will process the command according to the coding whether it is to move the car in left/right/forward or backward direction and Almost every mechanical movement that we see around us is accomplished by an electric motor so the car will move through dc motor as per instructions.

if you press right button then car will move on right directions, if u press down button on application then car will come backward directions. This project can be used as a toy which is controlled by the mobile phone.

Hardware specifications:-
·      8051 Micro-controller
·      Car Chassis 
·      Motor Driver IC
·      LED
·      Wheels
·      Bluetooth device HC-05

Software specifications:-
  • MC Programming Language: embedded C
  • Keil  version IDE
  • Proteus For Circuit & PCB Design
  • Simple Android Phone With Installed Application(Blue Control)

Absract Block Diagram Robotic Vehicle Controlled By Android App using 8051 Based Microcontroller

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